
Monday, 5 March 2012

Nantucker whaler Beaver in 1791 according to the The History of Nantucket by Obed Macy

The website allows to read and use digitized books which are rare, unknown or unattainable due to the distance of the libraries, collections and so on. Obed Macy published his The History of Nantucket in 1835. On page 142 he described the results of the voyage of the Nantucker Beaver.

“Captain Paul Worth, in a new ship of 240 tons burthen, called the Beaver, sailed from Nantucket, on a whaling voyage, in the Pacific ocean, in the year 1791. The whole cost of said ship, fitted for the voyage, together with the cargo, amounted to $10,212. She carried 17 men, and manned 3 boats of 5 men each, which left 2 men, called ship-keepers, on board the ship, when the boats were out in pursuit of whales. The principal part of her cargo, when fitted for sea consisted of 400 bbls. iron hooped casks, (the remainder, about 1,400 bbls. were wooden hooped,) 40 bbls. salt provison, 3½ tons of bread, 30 bushels of beans and peas. 1,000 lbs. rice, 40 gallons molasses, 24 bbls. flour. All the additional provisions during the voyage were 200 lbs. bread. The ship was out 17 months, and was the first belonging to the island, that returned from the Pacific Ocean. Her returned cargo was 650 bbls. sperm oil, worth £30 per ton, 370 bbls. head matter, worth £60 per ton and 250 bbls. whale oil, worth £15 per ton. The ship was not coppered.”