An item referred to the French newspaper Patrie which reported that a large Chilean transport captured by the Spanish arrived in Spain with a cargo bars of silver and copper sheets with a estimated value of nearly 12.000.000 realen. The French newspaper wrote that the Spanish fleet captured nearly 100 Chilean and Peruvian ships of which the major part were burned after selling their cargoes.(1)
1. Between 1864 and 1866 were Spain, Peru and Chile (the later two former Spanish colonies) involved in the Chincha Islands War caused by the seizure of the guano-rich Chincha Islands. In fact Spain wanted to restore her influence in South America. When the war (officially) broke out between Peru and Spain on 14 January 1866 choose Bolivia and Ecuador the side of Peru.
1. Between 1864 and 1866 were Spain, Peru and Chile (the later two former Spanish colonies) involved in the Chincha Islands War caused by the seizure of the guano-rich Chincha Islands. In fact Spain wanted to restore her influence in South America. When the war (officially) broke out between Peru and Spain on 14 January 1866 choose Bolivia and Ecuador the side of Peru.