An item reported that Spain was recruiting at London volunteers for the Spanish Legion (1) which served in Morocco. In Southampton was a Spanish transport waiting to bring the new soldiers to their destination. All volunteers were to be former soldiers and according to rumours signed already a large number unemployed former soldiers who got 25 pound sterling paid at once if they signed for five years and a daily payment of 3 hilling and 9 pence.
1. The Spanish king Alfonso XIII signed on 28 January 1920 a decree to create the Spanish Foreign Legion which is nowadays still existing. Despite the name it were in majority native Spaniards or men coming from the former Spanish American colony Cuba. In the protectorate Spanish Morocco was a rebellion of the Rif or Berbers going lead by their leader Abdel Krim to establish an independent Republic of the Rif. Not after France supported Spain ended the war in 1926 with a defeat for the Rif.
1. The Spanish king Alfonso XIII signed on 28 January 1920 a decree to create the Spanish Foreign Legion which is nowadays still existing. Despite the name it were in majority native Spaniards or men coming from the former Spanish American colony Cuba. In the protectorate Spanish Morocco was a rebellion of the Rif or Berbers going lead by their leader Abdel Krim to establish an independent Republic of the Rif. Not after France supported Spain ended the war in 1926 with a defeat for the Rif.