The 25th departed the government corvette Discoverij to the East.
The 26th departed a private owned paduakang to the East.
The 27th departed a government paduakang and the private owned brig Hoop to the East and arrived th government brig Jacoba Maria from the West.
The 28th arrived two private owned brigs, two paduakangs and a vessel of Timor from the East.
The 29th departed two gunboats and a goverment paduakang to the West and arrived a private owned brig, a fala fala, three paduakangs and some smaller vessels coming from the East.
The 30th arrived a private owned paduakang from the West,
The 31st departed three gunboats, a government paduakang and a private owned brig to the West and arrived from the East two paduakangs.
The 1st departed a private owned paduakang to the West.