An item reported that a day earlier the 55 tons floating crane Antée left the yard Gusto.(1) She was of a special heavy design with as dimensions 29 x 11,50 x 2,70 hold) metres. She was to be used at the harbour works of Boulogne-sur-Mer for the pacing of heavy concrete blocks on the sea bottom. Her maximum lifting height was 18 metres and her flight 9 metres and the load could be lowered to a depth of 12 metres below the surface. She was able to lift 55 tons with a very high speed of 5 metres a minute; during the official trial even 5,6 metres . The special braking device made it possible to lower a load with a speed of 5 minutes over the total distance (18 metres above and 12 below the surface) of 30 metres while using a singe brake without overheating.
1. Gust v/h A.F. Smulders in