
Monday 17 December 2012

Dutch steam tanker Soengei Gerong sold to be broken up according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad voor het Noorden dated 26 October 1932

An item reported the sale of the Dutch steam tanker Soengei Gerong of the Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Mij of The Hague of 5,040 gross and 2,823 net tons and build in 1913 for around 6,250 pound sterling to be broken up in China. She was to be handed over at Shanghai.

1. Moorman’s Jaarboek van Scheepvaart en Scheepsbouw edition 1930, Dutch merchant marine. International sign PSKF and call sign PHOZ. Built at the shipyard of Palmers’ Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Tonnage 5.040 gross and 2.824 net tons and as dimensions 380’1” x 52’10” x 290’0”. 2-Decks. Loading capacity 354.105 in English cubic feet and load bearing capacity inclusive bunkers 7.650 tons of 1.016 kg..