
Thursday 6 December 2012

German gunboat Itlis wrecked according to the Dutch newspaper De locomotief dated 30 July 1896

An item dated Batavia 30 July reported that the German gunboat Itlis (1) was lost when a cyclone harassed Shanghai. Nearly the entire crew was killed, just ten men survived. The newspaper Nieuwsblad van het Noorden dated 30 July published an item dated Shanghai 29 July referred to a tiding received from Chefoe that the German gunboat Itlis was sunk on the 23rd caused by a waterspout. Just ten men of her crew were saved. The newspaper Leeuwarder courant dated 31 July referred to the newspaper Reichsanzeiger which published a telegram of the German emperor to the admiral. The emperor wrote that he received with deep sadness the tiding that the Iltis was wrecked loosing many brave men commanded by the excellent officer Stand. The item reported that she was of the smallest vessels (6th rate) of the German navy with a displacement of 489 tons and a crew numbering 85 men. Strangely enough was now captain lieutenant Braun as her commanding officer named. The newspaper Rotterdamsch nieuwsblad dated 31 July published an extended item dealing with the disaster. Of the crew were just twelve men saved. Her officers were captain lieutenant Braun, 1st officer lieutenant 1st class Von Halbach, lieutenants Fraudstädter and Prasse, assistant doctor 1st class dr. Hildebrandt and chief engineer Hill. Under paymaster Losz was not board when she was wrecked. He was staying at Tschifu. The Iltis was two years earlier sent to the East Asian station. Dimensions 42 x 7,7 x 3 metres. With a 340 hp engine. Iron hull lined with wood. Launched in 1878. She was involved in the latest problems at Formosa when rebels wanted to capture a German merchant steamship and when she destroyed the harbour batteries. She was responsible for the conflict between Spain and Germany by capturing the Caroline Islands. (1)

1. Laid down at the Kaiserliche Werft in Danzig in 1877, launched on 18 September 1878 and commissioned two years later.
2. Follow de link