
Thursday 6 December 2012

Spanish steamship Guido captured by USS Terror according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwe Tilburgsche Courant dated 1 May 1898

An item reported that the Spanish 2.065 tons steamship Guido on last Thursday was a good prize. She left on 2 April Liverpool towards Havana and surrendered just after the American gunboat Machias (1) supported the Terror (2) by firing her revolver guns. According to the signal station of Lloyd at Dover was the tiding that a Spanish destroyer passed Dover was a mistake. The newspaper Bataviaasch nieuwsblad dated 30 April referred to a tiding received from London of the same date that she was captured by the American USS monitor Terror after a lively pursuit. The newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad dated 29 April published two items both dated Key West the 28th. One that she was captured by the Terror on the 27th underway from Liverpool and Coruna towards Havana with a large cargo of victuals and money for the Spanish troops. First fired Terror unloaded guns with as only result that on board of the Guido all lamps were put out. Next were the 6pd guns fired all hitting the wheel-house of the Guido wounding one men. Value of ship and cargo was estimated to be 400.000 dollars.

1. A schooner-rigged gunboat laid down at the shipyard of Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine in February 1891, launched on 8 December the same year by Miss Ethel Hyde, commissioned on 20 July 1893 and finally sold on 29 October 1920. Her armament consisted of 8-4” guns, 4-6pdr guns and 4-1pdr guns while her crew numbered 154 men.
2. A double turret monitor of the Amphitrite-class of which the building at the shipyard of William Cramp and Sons, Philadelphia was ordered on 23 June 1874, laid down the same year, not earlier launched as on 24 March 1883 since in 1877 the building was stopped, commissioned on 15 April 1896 and decommissioned on 8 May 1906, despite she was stricken on 31 December 1915 she was not earlier broken up as in the 1930’s. Since 1915 was she used as a test hulk and five years later was she for sale which was executed on 10 March 1921. In the 1920s sunk she off Shooters Island, New York and early 1930s salvaged and presumably afterwards finally broken up. Her armament consisted of 4-25cm/10” breech loading rifled guns, 2-10cm/4” rifled guns and 2-3pdr guns. Her crew numbered 150 men.