An item reported that the Friday before at the shipyard De Hoop at Hardinxveld a small twin screw passenger ship was launched for account of Nigeria. She was to be used for transporting people (passenger accommodation for 40-50) to the inland plantations. Fitted out with 2-80 hp British Widtop engines. Dimensions 21 x 4,50 x 1,60 metres. The intention was to hold a trial over three weeks. The edition dated 21 September reported a successful trial reporting that the white painted ship was named Rio and destined for Calabar. She was there to be used for transporting from and to the plantations and from ships lying on the roads. Dimensions 70’0” (over all) x 14’9”x 2’9” (maximum) and 5’8” (hold). The 2-72 hp Widdop D.6 engines made 800 rpm. Built for British account and was to be transported with an ocean liner. Fitted out with an iron-built boat. Accommodation for two Europeans and four crewmembers. Aluminium awning.