
Friday 1 February 2013

Israel selling frigates Miznak and Miwtach to Sri Lanka according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuw Israelietisch weekblad dated 14 August 1959

According to tidings received from Tel Aviv sold Israel the frigates Miznak and Miwtach to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. Israel bought both ships in 1950 from Canada. The arrival of around 300 sailors, in two parts coming from Ceylon was expected to be trained in the handling of these ships which were lying at that moment in Eilat, Gulf of Akaba. Some of the Ceylonese officers arrived already in Eilat to prepare the accommodation for the sailors. The sailors were to be armed with machine pistol of the type UZI which were included the sell. The edition dated 26 August referred to the sale of the two frigates to Ceylon and that they passed the Gulf of Aden without permission of Egypt despite being requested by Ceylon. The ships were manned with Israeli sailors and the Israeli flag hoisted. The edition dated 4 September reported that the Egyptian Radio Cairo announced on Wednesday 17 August the sell was annihilated as a result of a meeting between the Egyptian president Nasser and the ambassador of Ceylon in Egypt. Israel was not informed by Ceylon and of the two frigates lying at Eilat was one manned with Israeli sailors and passed on Monday the Street of Tiran. Somewhere on the Red Sea was she to be handed over to a Ceylonese crew.