
Friday, 15 March 2013

Classification of the French torpedo boats according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1890-1891 no. 4

An item referred to the foreign magazine Mitthelilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens reporting that the French department of navy divided the roped boats in several classes and the old classification éclaireurs torpilleurs was replaced by torpilleurs de hate mer. The torpedo boats were classified as follows:
High seas torpedo boat with a displacement namely the Coureur, Ouragan, Avant-Garde, Alarme, Aventurier, Défi, Téméraire, Agile and Audacieux.
Torpedo boats 1st class with a displacement of 60-100 tons namely the Balny, Bonët Willaumez, Capitaine-Cuny, Capitaine-Mehl, Challier, Dehorter, Deroulède, Doudart-de-Lagrée, Edmond-Fontaine and the no.’s 126-129 and 151.
Torpedo boats 2nd class with a displacement of 40-60 tons namely the no.’s 26-28, 60-66, 68-109, 111-125 and 130-144 and 150.
Torpedo boats 3rd class with a displacement of 20-40 tons namely the no.’s 8-25, 31-44 and 47-55.
Vedet-torpedo boats with a displacement<20 tons namely the no.’s 29-30 and 56-59.