
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Japanese admiral Toyohashi probably appointed as governor general of Taiwan according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1936 no. 4

An item referred to the magazine Jap. Chr. dated 2 April 1935 which reported that probably admiral Toyohashi (?) would be appointed as governor general of Formosa (Taiwan). The Japanese navy strongly supported an expansion southwards. Formosa was in the opinion of minister of navy Nagano (1) a stronghold of huge importance connecting Japan with the South Sea islands. As a result he wanted a navy officer to be appointed as governor general.

1. Osami Nagano (15 June 1880 Kochi-5 January 1947 Tokyo), fleet admiral and minister of navy (9 March 1936-2 February 1937. He attended the Washington Naval Conference in November 1923, the Geneva Naval Conference in 1927, the London Naval Conference in 1930 and the London Naval Conference in 1935.