
Sunday, 17 March 2013

The Brazilian shipbuilding program according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1924 no. 5

An item referred to the magazine Schiffbau dated 11 June 1924 no.17 reporting that the Brazilian congress approved the new shipbuilding program. This included the building of 1-33.000 ton battleship (speed 23, miles, main armament 40,6cm guns), 1-10.000 ton cruiser (speed 35 miles, main armament 20cm guns), 5-1.000/1.200 ton destroyers, 5-8.00/1.000 ton submarines, 1 aircraft mother ships, 10 minelayers, 10 minesweepers, 1 guard ship and 1 mine transport ship. The congress approved that the last two units were bought and the old training ship Benjamin Constant replaced.

The several ships were to built or bought abroad. The main part was to be delivered by the USA while since a year a US navy commissions leaded the Brazilian navy.