An item referred to the magazine N.&M. Record dated 28 May 1924 no. 22 reporting the announcement of the chairman of the Navy Commission of the House of Representatives that on short notice a budget of 150.000.000 US dollars was asked to realize the ratio of 5 (Engeland):5 (USA): 3 (Japan) as was allowed at the Treaty of Washington.(1) Nowadays was the ratio in practice 5:4:3 and to alter this to the good proportions was it needed to built 8 light cruisers and 3 submarine minelayers, to modernize 13 battleships by increase the elevations of the guns, to fit them out with anti aircraft and submarine equipment and to convert 3 coal firing battleships into oil firing battleships.
1. The Naval Treaty of Washington signed between the same countries as at the London Conference (so includding France and Italy) was a result of the Washington Naval Conference in Washington between November 1921 and February 1922. This treaty limited the numbers of the major ships and limiting the maximum displacement of the other ships namely 10.000 tons.