
Saturday 25 May 2013

Japan latest heavy cruiser Takao launched according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1932 no. 4

An item referred to the magazine Marine Rundschau dated April 1932 reporting that the newest Japanese 10.000 tons cruiser Tschokai (1) was built according to the limitations of the Washington Naval Treaty.(2) The main armament was to consist 10-20,3 cm guns and further more 4 instead of 6 12cm guns and 8 instead of 12 53cm torpedo tubes. Her speed seemed to be 33 miles allowed by the 130.000 hp and the author feared that her horsepower was very high compared with her armament and he believed that the range, armour and crew accommodation and seagoing qualities were offered for this purpose.

1. This must be the heavy cruiser Takao laid down at Yokosuka Navy Yard on 28 April 1927, launched on 12 May 3 years later, commissioned on 31 May 1932 and finally sunk by the British on 19 October 1946 as a target in Straits of Malacca. Her displacement was 9,850 (standard)-15.490 (full loaded) tons. Her class consisting of herself, the Atago, Maya and the Chokai had a general speed of 35,5 knots allowed by the 132.000 ship horsepower. Despite the comments of the author of the above mentioned item the Takao-class is considered as the best cruisers the Japanse Imperial Navy built.
2. Naval Treaty of Washington signed between the same countries was a result of the Washington Naval Conference in Washington between November 1921 and February 1922. This treaty limited the numbers of the major ships and limiting the maximum displacement of the other ships namely 10.000 tons.