Sunday, 30 June 2013
A German submarine interned for one day at Flushing, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Nieuwsblad van Friesland dated 16 January 1917
An item reported that on last Sunday afternoon around 16.15 o’clock around one nautical mile within Dutch territorial waters off Westkapelle a German submarine was discovered. She was lost due to the heavy fog and high tide during th last hours. She was ordered by the Dutch patrol vessel to stay there until the Dutch cabinet decided what to do with her. Her commanding officer stated to have that day no contact with the enemy with as result a pursuit ending in the Dutch territorial waters. The decision was to let him free and depart while the weather was responsible for his error. The Maas- en Scheldebode of the 17th reported that she arrived last night in Flushing and berthed being under military surveillance in the Binnenhaven. After some interrogations on the morning of the 17th was she at 12.30 o’clock escorted by two torpedo boats brought again outside. The Breskensche Courant dated the 20th reported the she was indeed escorted by two Dutch torpedo boats to the border of the territorial waters until there commanded by a Dutch submarine commanding officer. Her own commanding officer stated that he though he was between Blankenberghe and Oostende going towards Wenduine when he was lost in the mist. However it became clear that there was a second submarine in the neighbourhood on Sunday evening which intended to help the stranded submarine which was not impossible due to the arrival of Dutch warships. The submarine which now was brought to Flushing had been 21 days underway according to her crew. The journalist said that their appearance supported this statement. The sailors looked very neglected and extremely tired, one of them even fell into impotence. Their bread was highly distasteful and greenish colored. The public got an good impression of the hard life on board and in the submarine was a real attraction. When the decision of their release became known saw some crewmembers happy but others defeated.