
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Brazilian corvette Imperial Marinheiro delivered to Brazil according to the Dutch newspaper Het vrije volk dated 20 June 1955

An item reported that last Saturday afternoon the first of the ten warships built in the Netherlands for Brazil was officially delivered via the Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw Export Centrale in the presence of the Brazilian ambassador Themistocles Garanha and Dutch naval authorities. The corvette Imperial Marinheiro was berthed alongside the Boompjeskade at Rotterdam. Her commanding officer was Maurilio Augusto Siva. The Imperial Marinheiro had as dimensions 56 x nearly 10 x nearly 5 metres and a displacement of 1.000 tons and armed with 1-4” gun and 4 anti aircraft machine guns. She could be used as a coast guard vessel, salvage vessel, seagoing tug and minesweeper or –layer. Built at the shipyard of Jonker en Stans at Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.(1)

1. The newspaper Amigoe di Curacao dated 22 July 1955 reported that she arrived a day earlier at Amsterdam and was berthed alongside the Ruyterkade. Six other corvettes were lying at Rotterdam. All ships were to depart on short notice towards Brazil where the were to be used for coastal patrol duties.