
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

German seaworthy twin screw navy dredger Hephaestos according to the Dutch magazine De Ingenieur dated 17 August 1901

An item reported that the shipyard of the firm A.F. Smulders at Rotterdam the seaworthy twin screw dredger Hephaestos with press device was built with as dimensions 45 x 8,5 x 3,6 (hold) metres. She was propelled by 2x270 hp compound engines, completely electrically lightened and heated with the use of steam. She left on Saturday the 10th at 14.30 oclock towards Tsingtao (Kiautschou), China commanded by captain E. Lukkien. Fourteen days earlier were in the presence of German navy authorities the official trials performed. Her dredging capacity was 450 cubic metres in a hour (contracted 300) and the speed 8,5 (in the contract 7) knots.

The nieuwspaper Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad dated 26 August published an item dated Rotterdam the 24th reporting her safe arrival at Algiers and that she continued her voyage of Thursday morning. The edition dated 2 September 1901 published an item dated Rotterdam 31 August reporting her safe arrival at Port Saïd on the morning before. The edition dated 27 September reported that she arrived around the 25th at Singapore.

De ingenieur dated 17 November 1900 reported that immediately after the launching of the Russian steam hopper Port Arthur XIV (1) the keel of the Hephaestos was laid down. Yard number was 266. 

Details added on 21 June 2015 13:33 o'clock.