The press association Reuter reported on 13 April from Shanghai, China that
the so-called the crew of a Chinese cruiser and 3 gunboats all four from
Fockjin mutinied while being at Shanghai appointing admiral Li Tsjen Tsjang as
supreme commander as a protest against the appointment by the cabinet of
general Soeng Wan Tang as military governor of Fockjin. The crews threatened to
steam towards Fockjin unless Soeng Wan Fang was called back. Admiral Toe See
Wei supreme commander of the navy resigned as a result of the mutiny which in
the meantime expanded to other harbours. The military commissary was ordered to
take Lin Tsjen Tsjang prisoner.(1)
1. The surnames were in the item in different manners spelled.
1. The surnames were in the item in different manners spelled.