Thursday, 10 October 2013
The Austrian, Egyptian, French, Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 26 November 1825
Trieste, 6 November. According to the latest letters from the Levant was knight Accurti commanding the Austrian squadron ordered by his government to use all means in preventing Greek visitations of Austrian ships. His warships had to control a area as large as possible for this purpose. According to some sources received the de Rigny commanding officer of the French squadron comparable orders. It was believed that other European would take the same measures and to stop the hostilities of the Greek privateers which were not recognized by their own government. A Turkish aviso arrived at Suda with the tiding that the Turkish and Egyptian fleets were to arrive within short time and would stay there for some time. Both fleets were lately sighted near Rhodes. The Greeks collected all vessels they have near Santorin for an attack as soon as possible.