
Monday, 1 July 2019

The Dutch and Greek navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 5 June 1827

London, 20 May, Tidings from Gibraltar dating until 12 May reported that a Dutch brig of war which arrived at Tunis coming from Tripoli brought the news with her of the declaration of war by the Bey of Tripoli against Tuscany.

Frankfurt, 30 May. The newspaper Oesterreichischen Beobachter published some news items earlier published in the newspaper Osservatore of Trieste. One tiding dated Corfu 28 April reported the arrival of the Greek brig Neptunus master J.C. Belsario at Corfu 26 April, which left Aegina the 14th and the 15th Poro. Although it was first thought she was a merchant ship which intended to load a cargo of Turkish corn, the health officers inspecting her certificates discovered she was in fact a warship. Her certificates were signed by the so-called Greek government and Lord Cochrane as supreme commanding officer of the Greek navy. To preserve the neutrality her master was ordered to leave Corfu 27 April which he did in the afternoon.