
Friday, 16 August 2019

The navies of Brazil and Buenos Aires according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 16 June 1826

London, 10 June. A report dates 13 February from the American representative Forbes was handed over to admiral Lobo, commanding officer of the Brazilian squadron that blockaded the coasts and harbours of La Plata. Earlier was a declaration of Lobo dated 21 December 1825 declaring that all coast and harbours of the Republic of Buenos Aires and the eastern bank of the Plata were strictly blockaded. Strange enough there was just one ship, the corvette Maria da Gloria available for this duty. Since the declaration 6 foreign ships entered the harbour of Buenos Aires and 3 at Essanada. The Daphne of Hamburg passed with gunshot distance the Brazilian force without being disturbed. The blockade was without any doubt of none value.