Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.
P. 561: “An American-built Russian corvette launched. A steam corvette, to carry twelve guns, built for the Russian government by Wm. H. Webb, of this city, was successfully launched on the 16th ult., with her propeller and a portion of the main shaft in place. It was feared that this heavy weight at the extreme end might spring her amidships; but not the least variation in her shear was perceptible after launching, thus demonstrating the great strength of her construction. This, we believe, is the second steam vessel of war which has been built for the Russian government in New York. Thus it is, the New World is leading the Old. American divers are engaged to raise the sunken vessels at Sevastopol, and Americans build Russian railroads and steam vessels of war. —Scientific American.”
The Mechanic’s magazine, volume 67, Saturday 12 December 1857.
P. 561: “An American-built Russian corvette launched. A steam corvette, to carry twelve guns, built for the Russian government by Wm. H. Webb, of this city, was successfully launched on the 16th ult., with her propeller and a portion of the main shaft in place. It was feared that this heavy weight at the extreme end might spring her amidships; but not the least variation in her shear was perceptible after launching, thus demonstrating the great strength of her construction. This, we believe, is the second steam vessel of war which has been built for the Russian government in New York. Thus it is, the New World is leading the Old. American divers are engaged to raise the sunken vessels at Sevastopol, and Americans build Russian railroads and steam vessels of war. —Scientific American.”
The Mechanic’s magazine, volume 67, Saturday 12 December 1857.