
Sunday, 24 November 2013

The Dutch navy in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 6 December 1824

Brussels, 4 December. The newspaper Journal de Bruxelles published a news item dated Brussels 3 December according to which lieutenant Clifford Kocq van Breugel adjutant of admiral Wolterbeek who commanded the Dutch squadron in the Mediterranean arrived yesterday morning from Port Mahoun. He brought whit him the news that the Dey of Algiers with draws his demands and again accepted the terms of the treaty of 1816. Consul Fraissiniet and Lieutenant Van den Bosch commanding officer of the brig Pelikaan  (1) had informed the Dey that the Dutch government refused to admit the demands and threatened with war.

1. Department Amsterdam, on stocks at naval yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands August 1819, launched January 1821, sold 1845, 8 guns.