
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

British naval policy according to the Dutch newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië dated 7 March 1907

The secretary of navy Roberts said during the discussion dealing with the navy budget that in the opinion of the British Admiralty the so-called two nations principle was maintained with the dreadnoughts and the Invincibles.(1) With this principle was intended that the British fleet was as strong as the combined fleets of two countries whatever which countries. In the spring of 1907 were 6 battleships and 3 cruisers to be completed of which types neither France nor Germany possessed any. In 1910 were these figures to be 9 and 3 for England, 2 and 0 for France and 4 and 2 for Germany.

1. This must be Edmund Robertson, 1st baron Lochee (28 October 1845-13 September 1911), Liberal politician, between 1892-1895 Civil Lord of the Admiralty and Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty between 1905-1908.