The beautiful merchant bark
ship Zalt Bommel was fitted out for a voyage towards Cape of Good
Hope not only to transport passengers of the 1st and 2nd class but also of the
3rd class. This would be a possibility for indigent to travel elsewhere for a
new future. Servants and labourers were desired. Another Dutch newspaper the
Middelburgsche Courant dated Thursday 21 August reported that she was to depart
Rotterdam within short time master Juta with one
board some craftsmen and around 100 girls and boys with a age between 12 and 17
years to work as servants and labourers during 5 years at the Cape.
The Zierikzeesche Nieuwsbode dated Saturday 1September reported hr
departure from Rotterdam
on 31 August. Except for the all ready mentioned boys and girls were on board 5
gentlemen with some workers destined for Natal
as advised by some of their relations in Natal
to start the culture of European or tropical products. On board was all so Mrs.
Ida Pfeiffer known from her journeys who was underway towards Java, Dutch East Indies.(1)
1. This must be Ida Laura
Pfeiffer (Vienna 14 October 1797-Vienna 27 October 1858). She was an Austrian
traveller and author and most of the first female explorers. In May 1857
departed she towards Madagascar
where she became involved in complot against the queen Ranavalona I and was
forced to leave in July of the same year. Source The Dutch newspaper wrote in
September 1856 that she was underway to the Dutch East