
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

British warships still needed? according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 25 August 1852

According to the morning newspaper Herald asked the agent of Lloyd at Gibraltar the commanding officer of the British squadron there to assist with warships in towing the several merchant ships through the Strait which were held up by contrary winds. Two war steamships towed 10 December six British merchant ships through the Strait. The steamships stayed ready for more service. The Herald regretted just like Mr. Cobden (1) and everyone else every penny spent for the navy and wondered if the warships not better could be used for the merchant trade shipping.

1. Richard Cobden (Heyshott 3 June 1804-London 2 April 1865) is described as a manufacturer and more important as a Radical and Liberal statesman, under the name of Libra publishing letters in the newspaper Manchester Times dealing with commercial and economic affairs. He became well know as an advocate for free trade and peace and since he returns in England in 1846 the reduction of defence expenses including for the Royal Navy.