
Friday 29 November 2013

The Austrian, Greek and Turkish navies and Greek privateers in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 29 September 1825

Trieste, 11 September. Tidings from a new battle between the Greek and Turkish fleets are daily to be expected. Both fleets are in the Gulf of Arcadia. The Turkish fleet was commanded by the Captain Pasha. Another Turkish squadron is blockaded in the Gulf of Patras by a Greek division.

Tidings arrived from Smyrna dated 17 August according to which was the Austrian master Raincovich arrived at Samos while underway attacked by Greek privateers who stole merchandise with a value of 30.000 piasters. The Greek privateers also plundered some other Austrian ships. The British commanding officer Hamilton was at Hydra and did everything possible to prevent the Greek robberies. He all ready holds up some Greek privateers and gave several warnings.

Hydra, 18 August. The British commodore Hamilton went recently towards Smyrna where he had a long conversation with the commanding officer of the Austrian naval force. The result was that the Austrian masters and ship owners were warned that the Austrian warships couldn’t protect them any longer against the Greek navy if they continued serving in Egyptian expeditions.