
Friday 29 November 2013

The Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 12 August 1825

Paris, 8 August. General Roche wrote several letters from Napoli-di-Romania to the Greek Committee in France. In his letter dated 12 June he wrote that 2.000 Greek men were send to the island Hydra fearing that the Turkish fleet planned an attack. Thanks to the successful battle 2 June between the Greek vice-admiral Sachtury and the Turkish fleet off Cape d’Oro and the island Andros this attack was no longer a real danger. The Greek burnt a rerazeed 64-gun ships with 1.000 men and the cash money of the squadron on board, a 54-gun frigate, 2 corvettes and 1 brig while several transports were captured while the Captain Pasha fled to Bondronem pursued by Sachtury and Miaulis. In his second letter dated 23 June he complained that European and mostly Austrian masters transported victuals and war stores for the Egyptians while escorted by European warships. He even wrote that the Greeks complained a lot about the transporting of 13.000.000 piasters by the French goelette of war Amaranthe from Egypt to Crete and another French brig bringing 30 field guns to Modon.