
Friday 22 November 2013

The British, Brazilian and French navies at Montevideo, Uruguay according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 3 December 1825

Lisbon, 11 November. According to the private correspondence from the newspaper Journal des Débats arrived yesterday with a merchant ship a letter dated Rio de Janeiro 1 September. Our naval force [Brazilian] off Montevideo was not very impressing consisting just of the frigates Royal-Thetis and Royale Caroline and smaller vessels. The British and French are just waiting who was to win the battle. The British force off Montevideo consisted of 2 ships of the line, 3 frigates, 1 corvette and 1 cutter, the French force of 2 frigates, 2 corvettes and 2 brigs.

According to the letter written by admiral Rodrigo Jose Ferreira Lobo on board of the corvette la Liberale dated Buenos Aires 11 July addressed to Dom Manuel Gracia, minister of foreign affairs of the government of Buenos Aires was his order just to prevent the transport of ammunition for the insurgents of Banda-Oriental and piracy.