
Sunday 3 November 2013

The British, Egyptian, Greek, French and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean and the fitting out of the Russian Black Sea Fleet according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant 23 July 1827

Ancona, 4 July. Rumours are that Lord Cochrane commanding the Greek fleet of 70 sails dispersed the Egyptian fleet of 120 ships in the waters of Candia.

Frankfurt, 18 July. According to tidings from Trieste dated 6 July met a ship coming from Smyrna 19th June in the waters of Cape St. Angelo the Greek fleet of 37 sails, included the frigate Hellas and fire ships. The Turkish fleet was at Patras.

The Allgemeine Zeitung published a small item coming from Odessa 2 July that orders from Petersburg arrived dealing with the immediately fitting out of the Black Sea fleet. Day and night was worked with fitting out 3 ships of the line and some frigates hoping that everything within a few days was ready.
Paris, 19 July. The gabare la Meuse (1) departed 13 July from Rochefort for a important mission.

J. Vichot. Repertoire des navires de guerre français. Paris, 1967.

1. The corvette de charge launched 1825?