Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the public for several reasons. That’s quite a pity while these books contains useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor accessible.
p. 144. “Under name of brigade of naval infantry, consists of only two companies—a force, according to the minister's report, entirely insufficient for the wants of the vessels in commission, for the garrisoning of the seaports of the republic, and the penal colonies of Juan Fernandez and Magellan. The notorious relaxation produced among the troops of the regular army, by employing them in duties which pertain to marines from the nature of their organization, induces the minister to recommend an increase of this corps to four companies, and to make it their especial duty to guard the coast, sea-board, colonies, and supply a military force for the vessels in commission. This increase would raise the whole corps to four hundred and eighty-four, and their head-quarters would be fixed at Valparaiso. The increased expense the minister considers incommensurate with the benefit to be derived, and pertinently remarks that “
p. 145: the public income has no other object than to subserve the properly understood interests of the nation.”
Lieutenant Isaac G. Strain, U.S.N. Cordillera and pampa, Mountain and plain, Sketches of a journey in Chile, and the Argentine provinces, in 1849. New York, 1853.
p. 144. “Under name of brigade of naval infantry, consists of only two companies—a force, according to the minister's report, entirely insufficient for the wants of the vessels in commission, for the garrisoning of the seaports of the republic, and the penal colonies of Juan Fernandez and Magellan. The notorious relaxation produced among the troops of the regular army, by employing them in duties which pertain to marines from the nature of their organization, induces the minister to recommend an increase of this corps to four companies, and to make it their especial duty to guard the coast, sea-board, colonies, and supply a military force for the vessels in commission. This increase would raise the whole corps to four hundred and eighty-four, and their head-quarters would be fixed at Valparaiso. The increased expense the minister considers incommensurate with the benefit to be derived, and pertinently remarks that “
p. 145: the public income has no other object than to subserve the properly understood interests of the nation.”
Lieutenant Isaac G. Strain, U.S.N. Cordillera and pampa, Mountain and plain, Sketches of a journey in Chile, and the Argentine provinces, in 1849. New York, 1853.