
Saturday 9 November 2013

The Egyptian, Greek and Turkish navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 22 July 1825

Trieste, 6 July. A ship which left Constantinople 17 June met underway off Cerigo the Greek fleet. The Captain Pasha who delayed the attack on Missolunghi for several months waiting for the arrival of the seraskier Reschid Pasha was still at Suda.

Frankfurt, 18 June. Reschid Pasha wasn’t able to travel via the Gulf of Lepanto towards Morea but had to wait at Etolie for a Turkish fleet which he needed to continue his expedition. The coming of such a fleet was however not to be expected while the Greek navy was to strong for the Egyptian-Turkish fleet which didn’t do more than defensive actions. The Greek warships lying off Patras prevent all ships of the enemy to approach Missolunghi. Since the beginning of the war the Greeks were quite successful using their fire ships and did all efforts to multiply this weapon. From Syra came tidings dated 4 June that Greek merchants of this island bought for circa 50.000 piasters 2 merchant ships and send these to the government to be fitted out as fire ships which was immediately done. The Greek government bought for this purpose 4 ships at Syra, each costing 25.000 piasters. The Greek government bought in earlier stage a quite large number ships of foreign and Ipsariotic origin to be fitted out as fire ships. Everywhere at the islands where ships could be bought were they bought without regarding the costing and sending them to Hydra where they two days after arrival were transferred into fire ships. At the same time were at Coulori and Poro ships built of a new design, namely long and a small breadth, easy to sail with and instead of iron using nails of wood. All ready were two ships of this new design completed one of which was to be commanded by Canaris.