
Saturday, 9 November 2013

The Greek and the Turkish navies according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 28 August 1824

Augsburg, 21 August. The newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung published a news item dated Constantinople 25 July. Since some days there were rumours in Constantinople dealing with the Captain Pasha probably due to his return to Mitylene where he 21 July still was. The people are wondering while he intended to attack Samos returned to Mitylene. Letters from Smyrna dated the 17th gave a plausible explanation. Warships from Hydra and Spezzia joined by those escaped from Ipsara appeared suddenly off the island Ipsara where they captured around 60 Turkish gunboats and a brig while killing all Turkish on the island (according to the Greek a large number, according to the French just a few). After this event retreated the Captain Pasha to Mitylene while sending some frigates towards Ipsara but who arrived too late. According to rumours left the Greek the island when they sighted the frigates but this can’t be really true considered the efforts to recapture it. Another letter with the same date in this newspaper published confirmed the attack and the capture of Turkish vessels although now declared being 80.