Thanks to the fact that nowadays more and more books are digitized we are
able to read books that are some times for decades no longer available for the
public for several reasons. That's quite a pity while these books contains
useful information while the archives are destroyed, incomplete or nor
P. 313: “The Greek navy on the 1st January, 1841, consisted of the following ships: 2 corvettes, 2 steamers, 1 brig, 2 barks, 7 schooners, 5 cutters, 10 gun-boats, 1 ketch, and 1 cutter fitted with a diving-bell. Total 31 vessels, mounting 149 guns, with 866 men including officers.”
Frederick Strong. Greece as a kingdom; or, a statistical description of that country. From the arrival of king Otho, in 1833, down to the present time. London, 1842.
P. 313: “The Greek navy on the 1st January, 1841, consisted of the following ships: 2 corvettes, 2 steamers, 1 brig, 2 barks, 7 schooners, 5 cutters, 10 gun-boats, 1 ketch, and 1 cutter fitted with a diving-bell. Total 31 vessels, mounting 149 guns, with 866 men including officers.”
Frederick Strong. Greece as a kingdom; or, a statistical description of that country. From the arrival of king Otho, in 1833, down to the present time. London, 1842.