
Saturday 28 December 2013

The British and Greek navies in the Mediterranean according to the Nederlandsche Staatscourant dated 25 April 1826

Naples, 1 April. The British warship Brisk (1), anchored off this town, departed 29 March towards Malta to join the Mediterranean squadron.

Frankfurt, 19 April. There were rumours that the Greek fleet of Miaulis of Hydra returned in the fairways of Hydra and destroyed the fortress of Vassiladi with her Egyptian garrison. At Missolunghi were 2.000 men as reinforcement troops and a considerable amount of war stores and victuals embarked.

J.J. Colledge and Ben Warlow. Ships of the Royal Navy. 2006.

1. 10-gun brig sloop of the Cherokee-class, 237 tons builder’s measurement, launched at Chatham dockyard 10 February 1819 and sold 7 November 1843.