9 July. Tidings reported that off the island Mitylene a burning Ottoman ship of
the line was sighted.
18 July. The Allgemeine Zeitung published an item dated Odessa 29 June
according to which the Turkish fleet was defeated by the Greek fleet. Paris, 22
gabarre Nantaise lieutenant Couhitte which left Smyrna 7 June arrived 17 July
at Toulon. Underway she arrived 22 June at Milo where she was told that the
corvette Golo passed 19 June followed two days later by the goelette Estafette
and the gabarre Chevrette underway to Smyrna to strengthen the French station
there. Before the end of the month several ships were ordered to do so. The
Nantaise also visited 18 June Ipsara and Chios were around Greek vessels with
on board families which left Ivalia when this town was set into fire by the
Turkish. When the Nantaise left Smyrna the pasha wasn’t able to control the
city, the common people harassed Smyrna killing Greek citizens. It was to be
feared that if the news of the Turkish ship burnt by the Greek 7 or 8 June off
the island Menetelin [Mitylene] and by which event nearly the whole crew was
killed became well known the problems would increased on an even much larger
scale. The commanding officers of the Greek fleet, mainly fitted out at Ipsara,
Hydra and Spezia intended to go towards Smyrna to capture this city. The
corvette Arriege frigate captain Debueil was cruising off Morea and Candia.