Belgian government decided some months ago to stricken 17 torpedo boats for
economical reasons. The boats were German prizes from the First World War. Sold
in public they just made 200,000 Belgian francs of 14,000 Dutch guilders. One
of the largest boats with two engines each of 60 hp was sold for
33,000 francs. It was believed that the buyers would resell the boats. Another
Dutch newspaper the Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Curant morning edition dated
Wednesday 1 December 1926 confirmed this sell. It mentioned that in a hotel at
Brussel on Thursday the torpedo boats were to be sold which was some months
earlier decided by the cabinet Jaspar-Frencqui. According to the Dutch
newspaper Het nieuws van den dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië dated 25 January
1927 was one torpedo boat sold for just 400 Dutch guilders and two still useful
boats for just 18,000 and 16,000 Belgian francs.