item reported the departure of the Dutch bark ship Tjilingsie captain Owehand
on 2 April from Akyab[Nowadays
Sittwe in Myanmar/Burma] towards England. Everything was well in board. In the
gulf of Bengal was men lacking wind until the weather changed ending in a heavy
storm an later a hurricane between 10 en 13 degrees South latitude. The ship
was somehow leaking and despite 36 hours of pumping capsizing to one side. To
prevent this were 80 vales of rice thrown over board. The crew was harassed by
high temperatures followed by heavy and continuous lightning in the evening and
heavy seas. Her large boat and a larger part of the bulwarks were destroyed and
the crew accommodation was soaked by incoming water. The foremast broke and
many more bales of rice were thrown overboard to lift the ship more out of the
sea. Finally they managed to enter Port Louis, Mauritius although it was
believed that she was too damaged to continue her voyage and would be