
Tuesday 10 June 2014

Movements of Dutch warship Zr.Ms. Dolphijn, Medusa, Kemphaan, Windhond, Pelikaan and Vliegende Visch around Vlissingen, Netherlands according to the Dutch newspaper Middelburgsche Courant dated 22 February 1831

An item dated Vlissingen, Netherlands the 18th reported the arrival the same day of the Dutch squadron returning from the Mediterranean and consisting of the corvettes Zr.Ms. Dolphijn (1) commanding officer Willinck and Zr.Ms. Medusa (2) commanding officer Courier dit Dubicaet, the brigs Zr.Ms. Kemphaan (3) commanding officer A. Monye and the Zr.Ms. Windhond (4) commanding officer H.F. Tengbergen. A day earlier arrived on the roads the Dutch brig Zr.Ms. Pelikaan commanding officer F.A. Solingne coming from Texel. The Dutch brig Zr.Ms. Vliegende Visch (6)was not as earlier reported sailed upwards the Schelde by departed towards open sea.

1. ‘Kuil’corvette, on stocks at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands January or 13 February 1817, launched 21 February 1818, ‘logementsschip’ (accommodation/guard ship) 1825, broken up 1841, 28 guns.
2. Bomb corvette, on stocks at the navy yard at Rotterdam, Netherlands 1825, launched 1827, stricken 1835, 20 guns.
3. On stocks at the navy yard at Rotterdam, Netherlands October 1818, launched 30 June 1821, logementship (accommodation) 1845, coal hulk 1845, last mentioned 1851, dimensions 31,50m x 9,50m x ?, 546 tons displacement, 18 guns, 100 men.
4. Brigantine, laid down 7 June 1826 at the navy yard at Vlissingen, Netherlands by C. Soetermeer, launched in 1828, stricken in 1850 , dimensions 26,5 x 7,5 x 3,8 (hold) metres and an armament of 8-12 guns.
5. On stocks at the navy yard at Amsterdam, Netherlands August 1819, launched January 1821, sold 1845, 8 guns.
6. Laid down at the navy yard of Rotterdam, Netherlands on 25 July 1826, launched on 17 June 1829, 1845 guard ship, broken up 1847, an armament of 14 guns, a crew numbering 46-56 men and a speed of 9-10½ knots.