
Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Portuguese merchant ship el Principe de Brazil returning from Goa with the officers of HMS Superb according to the Dutch newspaper Hollandsche historische courant dated Saturday 15 September 1781

An item dated Lisbon, Portugal 21 August reported the arrival of the Portuguese merchant ship el Principe de Brazil returning from Goa. On board were the captain and other officers of the British 74 gun ship of the line HMS Superb, flagship of admiral sir Edward Hughes. It was believed that the Superb (1) sunk regarded the presence of the officers on board of the merchant ship. At the same time it became clear that due to contrary wind admiral Hughes had not been able to support Madras which was besieged by a French squadron commanded by d’Orves and the troops commanded by Hyder-Ali. In the port of Madras were lying at that moment 5 British East Indiamen and large number of small vessels. The abovementioned British officers all stated that the British affairs in the East Indies were in a desolate state.

1. The date of this newspaper is curious although seemed to be correct. The 74-gun HMS Superb flagship of admiral Edward Hughes in India however sunk in 1783.