
Thursday, 12 February 2015

Movements of the Dutch warships Sambre, Jason, Castor, Pijl, Rijn, Boreas, Lynx, Haai, Pijl and Bromo according to the Dutch newspaper Vlissingse Curant dated 16 June 1843

An item dated Vlissingen, Netherlands 15th reported that on the 20th the Dutch frigates Zr.Ms. Sambre and Jason, the corvette Castor and brig Pijl would leave Den Helder, Netherlands to join the ships lying at Vlissingen. The squadron consisted finally of the frigates Rijn captain Prince Hendrik der Nederlanden, Sambre captain Kist, Jason captain V.d. Plaat, corvettes Castor captain lieutenant Söhngen, Boreas captain lieutenant Jolly and the brigs Lijnx captain lieutenant Baron Regers, Pijl captain lieutenant Graaf van Limbug Stirum, Haai lieutenant 1st class Voet and the steamship Bromo lieutenant 1st class Smit van de Broeke. A voyage towards the North was planned with a possible visit of Iceland.