An item referred to letters dated Havana,
Cuba 30th May
reported that since the Spanish expeditionary force departed Cuba towards Mexico not tidings were received.
The steamship Pizarro was left behind at Havana to serve as packet between the
squadron and general Concha.(1) According to the rumours would a second
division of 8 warships and troop transport sent to Mexico if president Como
fort (2) refused to full fill the Spanish demands.(3) Some steamships were to
be used for a shipping line between Havana and Cadiz, Spain while the ships
normally used for this purpose were converted into warships. The newspaper
added that in the meantime Spain
accepted the mediation of France
in her quarrel with Mexico.
1. José Gutiérrez de la
Concha, Captain general of Cuba
4 June 1809 Córdoba,
Spain -5 November 1895 Madrid, Spain).
2. Don Ignacio Como fort (12 March 1812 Puebla,
New Spain-13 November 1863 Guanajuato,
Mexico), 25th
president of the United Mexican States/Second Federal Republic between 11
December 1855-21 January 1858.
3. Probably a result of
the reforming laws decreasing the influence of the catholic Church and the