
Tuesday 5 April 2016

Main armament of new French battleships to be 30,5cm and 24cm guns according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1907-1908 No. 11

An item reported that the Conseil supérieur de la marine wanted to arm the new French warships with 30,5cm and 24cm guns.( 1) One representative however asked for just guns of one calibre and instead of 30,5cm his choose for 24cm. In the magazine Le Yacht was an armament of 30,5cm and 24cm guns supported if the intention was to pierce the armour of the enemy. It the intention was to disable the enemy instead of piercing through the armour, the author agreed with the representative although he opted for an even lesser calibre namely 19cm guns.

1. Presumably the Danton-class succeeded by the Liberté-class and which was succeeded by the Courbet-class, built between 1907-1911 and indeed armed with 30,5cm and 24cm guns.