
Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Fuel oil consumption of US Navy increased enormous in just a few years according to the Dutch magazine Marineblad dated 1913-1914 no. 5

An item reported referred to the German magazine Schiffbau that the fuel oil consumption on board of the ships of the US Navy increased enormous in just a few years time. In 1911 was 26 million litre consumed, in 1921 already 61, for 1913 was estimated to be 87 million litres en for 1914 even 130 million litres. At that moment possessed the US Navy 20 torpedo boats, 6 submarines and 1 petrol tanker which were using oil as fuel and 6 battleships with a mixed system. The first battleships which were only using fuel oil were the USS Nevada and Oklahoma, which were presumably in January 1915 completed.