
Wednesday, 20 July 2016

French minister Lockroy predicted that French navy could become one of the mightiest of the world according to the magazine Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens 1896 nr. 3

An item reported that the French naval budget was discussed in the Senate on 24 December [1895]. French minister of navy Lockroy (1) stated that the fighting value of the French fleet never had been stronger and similar to the combined navies of the Triple Alliance. He did not compare the French and the British navies but stated that as the shipbuilding continued French within some years had a very mighty navy.

1. Édouard Lockroy (18 July 1838 Paris, France-22 November 1913 Paris, France), member of the Radical party, he was minister of marine in 1895-1899 and as vice president of the Chamber he criticized Camille Pelletan which was minister between 1902-1905.