The battle cruiser HMAS Australia 1910-1924 was the only capital ship serving in the Royal Australian Navy.
An item dated London, England 3rd reported that Lord Jellicoe (1) 3 weeks earlier offered his proposals dealing with the Australian maritime defence. It was believed that the fleet was to consist of 8 battle cruisers, a increased number of cruisers, destroyers and submarines. The annual budget was to be 5 million pond sterling until the program was realized in 1924. This amount was a problem for the Australian cabinet which wanted to decrease the budgets of all departments. A perhaps even larger problem was that young Australians were not interested in serving in the navy. The proposal of Jellicoe wound certainly not be complete be executed.
1. John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe (5 December 1859 Southampton, Hamsphire, England-20 November 193 Kensington, London, England). Dismissed in the rank of Admiral of the Fleet. Commanded the Grand Fleet, First Sea Lord 30 November 1916-10 January 1918 and Governor-General of New Zealand 1920-1924.