
Friday, 22 July 2016

Large floating dry dock being built for German East Africa according to the magazine Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesens 1900 no. 2

An item reported the building at the Howaldts-Werke, Kiel, Germany of a floating dock for German East Africa. There ware several German government ships active along the 500 nautical miles coast line of German East Africa with also regular voyages towards Zanzibar. For repairs and maintenance was a small shipyard at Dar es Salaam. The larger government ships and the cruiser were for repairs forced to go towards Bombay, British Indies and Cape Town, South Africa. The German parliament decided in spring to station a floating dock at Dar es Salaam to end this depending on foreign shipyards. Building costs of the complete steel built dock with a lifting capacity of 1.800 ton was 800.000 mark. If needed could it be considerable be increased. It was able to dock the largest government ships included the cruiser. German and foreign merchant ships could also be docked and repaired if needed. The dock was in this manner well used and could encourage the merchant shipping around Dar es Salaam.