An item dated Moscow, Russia 18th reported that Tsjitsjerin (1) sent a note to Poincaré (2) in which he protested against that the French took former Russian merchant ships with them while leaving Constantinople, Turkey towards France. The troops commanded by Wrangel (3)had the ships in the past taken with them from Russian Black Sea harbours.
1. Georgi Tsjitsjerin (24 November 1872-Karaul estate, Tambov, Rudssia-8 July 1936 Moscow, Russia), minister for foreign affairs 9 April 1918-21 July 1930.
2. Raymond Poincaré (20 August 1860 Bar-le-Duc, France-15 October 1934, Paris, France), president of France 1913-1920 and premier 1912-1913, 1922-1923 and 1923-1926.
3. Baron Pjotr Nikolajevitsj Wrangel, (15 August 1878 Zarasai, Lithuania-15 August 1928 Brussels, Belgium), officer in the imperial Russian army and commanded later the anti-Bolshevik White Army in the Russian Civil War. Evacuated from the Crimea in 1920 what was left of the White armed forces including warships. This became world-known as Wrangel’s fleet.