
Saturday 3 September 2016

USA waited with new building battleships according to the Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf dated 12 July 1934

An item dated Washington, USA 12th referred to a statement of the American secretary for navy Swanson that the USA would lay down none new battleships befor the naval conference of 1935. The ships which were now being built under the Vinson act (2) according to the restrictions of the Naval Treaty of Washington (3) were heavy and light cruisers, destroyers and submarines.

1. Claude Augustus Swanson (31 March 1862 Swansonville, Virginia, USA-7 July 1939 Rapidan Camp, Virginia, USA), lawyer and Democratic politician, secretary of the navy 5 March 1933-7 July 1939.
2.The Vinson-Trammell Act (First Vinson Act). This law made it possible to replaced outdated ship and even to increase the numbers within the restrictions of the Washington Naval Treaty. Vinson was also the driving factor behind the Second Vinson Act of Naval Act of 1938 and the Third Vinson Act of 1940, the latter better known as the Two-Ocean Navy Act.
Carl Vinson (18 November 1883-1 June 1981), Democratic Republican, member of the House of Representatives for Georgia between 3 November 1914-3 January 1965. Chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Nicknamed The Father of the Two-Ocean Navy.
Patrick Monroe Trammell (9 April 1876 Macon County, Alabama, USA-8 May 1936 Washington, USA), senator of Florida 4 March 1917-8 May 1936.
3. Washington Naval Conference between November 1921-February 1922 signed by USA, England, Japan, Italy and France to limit the building of battleships, battle cruisers and aircraft carriers and to limit the possession of such capital ships by stopping completion of breaking up already existing. On 20 June 1927 started the Geneva Naval Conference aiming to limit the construction of cruisers, destroyers and submarines. France and Italy were not present at Geneva. This conference failed and was followed by the London Naval Conference resulting in the London Naval Treaty.